Intersection Improvements at Redland Bay
Fox and Bell Group developers of Redland Business Park are undertaking road improvement works at the intersection of Cleveland Redland Bay Rd and German Church Rd, Redland Bay.
The works are expected to improve safety and efficiency for the road users and will integrate with road improvement works currently under construction on German Church Road. These works are associated with Redland Business Park.
Live, work and play at new shopping and leisure precinct
THE people behind the Victoria Point Lakeside Shopping Centre had a lot on their minds when they set about designing and building the centre.
They didn't want just another centre. They wanted to create a place that could provide three elements: Work, Live, Play.
Planning for the future of the Redland Bay South Investigation Area
The Redland Bay South Investigation Area, covering roughly 300 hectares is found at the southern extremity of the urban Redland Bay between the coastline and the koala conservation area.
The South East Queensland Regional Plan [2005] identifies southern Redland Bay as one of several investigation areas across the region.